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Buzz - Flutter Admin Panel | Flutter PWA | Flutter Admin Dashboard Template | Flutter Web Responsive

Buzz - Flutter Admin Panel | Flutter PWA | Flutter Admin Dashboard Template | Flutter Web Responsive

Category: Templates
$19 Free
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Last updated: 12 Feb 25


Buzz is a Flutter-based admin panel, dashboard, and web application template that can be used to build responsive and highly customizable applications. The template includes features such as a configurable dashboard with various widgets, user management, role-based access control, data tables, and charts.

With Buzz, you can create progressive web applications (PWAs) that are optimized for mobile and desktop devices alike. The template is designed to use Flutter’s flexible widget system to ensure that your app looks great on any screen size or resolution.

One of the key benefits of using Buzz is its ease of use and customization. The template comes with clean and well-organized code that can be easily modified to match your specific needs. Additionally, the template includes comprehensive documentation and support to help you get started quickly. Overall, Buzz is an excellent choice for anyone looking to build a robust and feature-rich admin panel or dashboard using Flutter.

Last Update 7 January 2025
Published 16 June 2023
Files Included Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .h, .plist, .swift
Software Version Flutter 3.x
Tags admin panel, flutter admin panel, Flutter Admin Portal, flutter dashboard, flutter ecommerce dashboard, flutter pwa, Flutter Responsive Design, flutter template, flutter web, flutter widgets, materialapp, progressive web app, Responsive Admin Dashboard in Flutter, responsive dashboard, ui kit