You can choose from Solid Background, Gradient Background, Kenburn Slider, Wave Particles, Waterpipe Animation, Static Image, Youtube Video Background, Wave & Sound Curve Animation, Particle Background, A long Way Animation, Intertwined and Flat Surface Animation.
You can find a lot of edit possibilities for all included Animation Backgrounds (e.g.: speed, colors and background, opacity, color overlay etc.).
You also can choose between a version with or without Countdown Timer. Perfectly to create a Landing Page in minutes. Further Highlights are full working forms for Newsletter Registration (Email (PHP) and Mailchimp), Social Icons, Font Awesome Icons, Google Fonts, Lightbox Portfolio and Gallery Option, GDPR-ready, Image-, Text- or No-Logo-Option, Open Street Maps, Links to your Social Media Accounts, Imprint via Page or Modal Window, Working Contact Form, Forms with or without Captcha Spam Protection, SEO Options (Favicon, Meta Description, SEO Title, etc.)
Last Update | 24 February 2021 |
Published | 10 January 2020 |
Gutenberg Optimized | No |
High Resolution | Yes |
Compatible Browsers | IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome |
Files Included | JavaScript JS, CSS, PHP |
Software Version | WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x |
Tags | bootstrap, clean, coming soon, contact form, countdown, landing page, mailchimp, maintenance mode, minimal, modern, multipurpose, newsletter, responsive, under construction, youtube |