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ComposeX - Android Jetpack Compose UI 1.0

ComposeX - Android Jetpack Compose UI 1.0

Category: UI Elements
$19 $9 Free
Last updated: 15 Jul 23


ComposeX is a time-saving UI template designed specifically for Android developers and programmers, built entirely with Jetpack Compose. This powerful toolkit empowers you to create stunning user interfaces in a fraction of the time, while maintaining a highly organized and structured codebase.

Last Update 15 July 2023
Published 15 July 2023
Files Included .db, .java, .xml
Software Version Kotlin 1.x, Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other
Tags android development, clean code, code structure, customizable templates, declarative UI, design consistency, developer productivity, extendable architecture, jetpack compose, kotlin, material design, pre-built components, rapid prototyping, responsive interfaces, streamlined UI