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Easy Form JSON - jQuery Plugin

Easy Form JSON - jQuery Plugin

Category: Forms
$19 $5 Free
Last updated: 23 Nov 16


Easy Form JSON is a jQuery plugin that serializes and deserializes a form. Serialization is the process of converting form data to JSON and Deserialization is the process of displaying JSON in the relevant form elements. You just need to create a form and you don’t need to get or put data manually.

We usually create a form to get input from user. We usually get data from the form elements one by one manually and we also set the form element value manually that takes a lot of time when we create lots of forms. Our plugin makes it super easy to get data from the form in JSON format. It also makes it extremely easy to display values in the relevant form elements from JSON. We just need to provide IDs and names for each form element. Also in the JSON the property name/key should be same as the form element name.

Last Update 23 November 2016
Published 23 November 2016
Compatible Browsers IE8, IE9, IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version jQuery
Tags automatically get or put form data, easy form, easy json, form elements to json, form jquery plugin, form to json, get or put form data easily, html form, jquery plugin, json, json to form, json to form elements, plugin, serialize, serialize form data