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Image Lazyload Plugin

Image Lazyload Plugin

$5 Free
Last updated: 25 Mar 22


Simple Javascript Plugin for lazyloading Images on your Webpage. This Lazyload Plugin will increase the speed of your Website loading. Image files will only be loaded if they are visible to the user. You will have a faster Website, a better performance and requests to your server getting reduced. 1. Load the CSS in your HTML 2. Load the Javascript at the End of your HTML after jQuery 3.1 IMAGES: Insert a placeholder to the src of your images 3.2 IMAGES: Put the real src to the data-src attribute 4. BACKGROUNDS: Put the URL to the data-bg attribute 5. Have fun with your fast Website! Adding support for Sliders soon!

Last Update 25 March 2022
Published 19 May 2021
High Resolution No
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS
Software Version jQuery
Tags animation, fast, faster, image, imageload, images, javascrippt, js, lazy, lazyload, lazyloading, load, loading, plugin, speed