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Listplace - A Complete Local Business Directory Listing Platform

Listplace - A Complete Local Business Directory Listing Platform

$39 Free
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Last updated: 08 Feb 25


ListPlace is a powerful directory listing platform that allows you to easily create and manage listings for any type of business, organization, or service. With ListPlace, you can quickly build a comprehensive directory that provides your users with all the information they need to find what they’re looking for.

ListPlace is fully customizable, allowing you to create your own custom fields, categories, and tags to organize your listings in a way that makes sense for your users. You can customize the look and feel of your directory.

ListPlace is designed to be user-friendly, with an intuitive interface that makes it easy to add and edit listings, manage categories and tags, and customize the settings of your directory. With powerful search and filtering capabilities, your users can quickly find the listings they’re looking for, and you can even monetize your directory by offering paid listings.

Last Update 8 February 2025
Published 2 April 2023
High Resolution Yes
Compatible Browsers IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL
Software Framework Laravel
Software Version PHP 8.x, MySQL 8.x, MySQL 5.x
Tags business directory, city guide, classified listing, classifieds, directory, directory script, directory theme, geolocation, google maps, listings, listings theme, locations, map, Store Directory, store locator