Theaterify – Flutter Movie Apps, for Movie Lover, Trailer, Now Playing & Upcoming Movies, TV Show and the latest movie. Admob Google Implemented, Bonus WebLanding Page HTML
a. Technology Stack 1. GetX State Management 2. Get Storage, Google Font 3. Firebase Messaging,Push Notification 4. Broadcast to all user with Push FCM 5. Youtube Video Player 6. Integrated with 7. Dark & Light Theme 8. The latest Flutter Ready
b. Features 1. Beautiful Intro Screen 2. 4 Tabs screen, Home, Favorite, TV Show, Profile, Setting 3. Pretty Awesome Bottom Navigation (ConvexAppBar) 4. Explorer the with many categories 5. Now Playing, Trending, Top Rated, Upcoming, Popular 6. Scroll Sliverapp Elegant & Modern Detail Movie Screen 7. Youtube Video Trailer Movie Player 8. TV Show with Popular, On The Air and TopRated 9. Notification created by FCM, Firebase Console 10. All data movie & tv show integrated with 11. Dark & Light Theme 12. Account Screen is a Template 13. Free lifetime for update version
Last Update | 10 January 2024 |
Published | 29 September 2020 |
Files Included | Dart, YAML, .java, .kotlin, .storyboard, .plist, .swift, PHP |
Software Version | Flutter 3.x |
Tags | android, flutter, ios, movie, theaterify, themoviedb, tmdb |