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Undo Redo for WPBakery Page Builder

Undo Redo for WPBakery Page Builder

Category: Add Ons
$199 Free
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Last updated: 09 Mar 18


This plugin is an add-on for WPBakery Page Builder that bring a missing and useful feature: the standard Redo/Undo buttons. These buttons will now be shown in your editor and you can undo/redo your most recent changes the same way as you do with the classic wordpress text editor.

Frontend Mode Now Supported: as many buyers requested it, even if it was so hard to figure out, but it’s not impossible, now you can undo redo changes even in the front-end edit mode!

Permanent Changes History: It will save each change and allow you to undo/redo them at any time until you click the clear button. Even if you saved the post, closed the browser or your computer shutdown

Last Update 9 March 2018
Published 29 November 2014
Files Included JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP
Software Version WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x
Tags redo, restore changes, undo, undo change, visual composer